5 Stress relieving yoga poses for anxiety and depression


Stress has a way of sneaking into every aspect of our lives just as our practice does. It only makes sense to use our practice to combat stress and tensions of everyday life. This video focuses on five asanas to relieve stress. Enjoy and remember to let your light shine!

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold), is an essential asana in Sun Salutations for good reason! This pose releases stress in the main parts of the body where stress is stored, the upper and lower back as well as the neck. When you place your head below your heart you’re allowing greater blood flow to the brain which calms anxiety, depression, fatigue and stress. The deep stretch of this pose allows for your vertebrae to spread out and stimulate the nerves in between which helps your body relax.

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose with Eagle Arms), is named after diamond-like strength and can be used to strengthen the Meru Dandu (backbone) which is the vital axe of the being. Sitting in this position cuts off circulation the lower legs and focuses the blood to the top half of the body which can become painful or irritating. This pose is a meditation pose and meant to be mastered over time. Be sure to connect your big toes to keep your energy flowing through you.

Side Body Stretch- This pose is often hailed as the “dessert” of a practice. Opening the lymph nodes, ribs, psoas and the largest muscle on the body -the Latissimus Dorsi, the side body stretch allows tension from everyday forward flexion to expel out the extremities. Side stretches harmonize the sides of the body and reset the diaphragm for focused breathing.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose), is a supine position that relies on alignment and breath to articulate the spine into a controlled arc. This articulation allows for blood circulation and stretching in the neck, chest, back, spine, hips, buttocks and hamstrings. The interlacing of fingers and feet planted firmly keep your energy circulating and having your heart above your head calms the brain and central nervous system.

Bālāsana (Childs Pose), is often used to end a practice due to its restorative nature and intent of oneness. Folding the body in on itself forces the breath to be controlled and the mind to focus on what the body is saying. This pose is meant to be a release and aligns the spinal column to turn the minds eye inward.

Thank you for watching, 

Let your light shine Luminous Beings!

Author Kristen Wilcox for Luminous Being

Luminous Being Yoga Model: Emily Gruber

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